Today in Kimberley's History
ANC and Government accept the Pretoria Minute - 1990
The Pretoria Minute is agreed upon by the government and the African National Congress (ANC), concerning release of political prisoners, return of exiles, obstacles in the Internal Security Act and suspension of violence by the ANC. The ANC later learned that the Pretoria Minute was not binding on Homelands government. Homelands like Bophutatswana were not willing to accept the Pretoria Minute and the South African government was unwilling to put pressure on these governments to accept them. As a result, the ANC considered the possibility of continuing military campaign in Bophutatswana.
The Pretoria Minute is agreed upon by the government and the African National Congress (ANC), concerning release of political prisoners, return of exiles, obstacles in the Internal Security Act and suspension of violence by the ANC. The ANC later learned that the Pretoria Minute was not binding on Homelands government. Homelands like Bophutatswana were not willing to accept the Pretoria Minute and the South African government was unwilling to put pressure on these governments to accept them. As a result, the ANC considered the possibility of continuing military campaign in Bophutatswana.