Today in Kimberley's History
The Seige of Kimberley is lifted after 123 days - 1900
During the Second Anglo-Boer War between the two Boer republics and Britain, Gen. French relieved Kimberley after a siege of 123 days. Despite numerous attacks by the Boer commandos and 5 800 shells fired, the town had suffered only 134 casualties among armed defenders and twenty-one civilians, but some 1 500 people, mostly Coloureds and Blacks, had died of famine and disease. The infant mortality rate during the four months of the siege had risen to 67,1% among Whites and 91.2% among Coloureds and Blacks. The British lost at least 2 237 men of the relieving force. (Source:
Beaconsfield, often called the Cinderella suburb of Kimberley, is actually the elder sister and should be respected as such. Historically, apart from the diamond discovery, Rhodes’ Cape to Cairo railroad passed through Beaconsfield before reaching Kimberley in 1885; it was through Beaconsfield that General French rode after relieving the besieged town on 15 February 1900; and it was at the Beaconsfield station that the British soldiers arrived en masse after the relief of Kimberley. Beaconsfield was the rail junction to Bloemfontein once the line had opened in 1908, and it was here that a large marshalling yard was established. (Source: Kimberley Calls...and Recalls Facebook Group)
During the Second Anglo-Boer War between the two Boer republics and Britain, Gen. French relieved Kimberley after a siege of 123 days. Despite numerous attacks by the Boer commandos and 5 800 shells fired, the town had suffered only 134 casualties among armed defenders and twenty-one civilians, but some 1 500 people, mostly Coloureds and Blacks, had died of famine and disease. The infant mortality rate during the four months of the siege had risen to 67,1% among Whites and 91.2% among Coloureds and Blacks. The British lost at least 2 237 men of the relieving force. (Source:
Beaconsfield, often called the Cinderella suburb of Kimberley, is actually the elder sister and should be respected as such. Historically, apart from the diamond discovery, Rhodes’ Cape to Cairo railroad passed through Beaconsfield before reaching Kimberley in 1885; it was through Beaconsfield that General French rode after relieving the besieged town on 15 February 1900; and it was at the Beaconsfield station that the British soldiers arrived en masse after the relief of Kimberley. Beaconsfield was the rail junction to Bloemfontein once the line had opened in 1908, and it was here that a large marshalling yard was established. (Source: Kimberley Calls...and Recalls Facebook Group)
123 days since beginning of the Siege of Kimberley, 1900
Extract from "The Diary of a Doctor's Wife – During the Siege of Kimberley October 1899 to February 1900" by Winifred Heberden.
This morning only six 100 lb shells were fired in and a few shrapnel from Carter's Ridge. Poor Jack arrived in the afternoon, having been relieved by Surgeon-Lieutenant O'Gorman at Alexandersfontein. He had about 2 hours rest when Woodruffe rode up to say that they were all ordered out again and were to proceed to Kamfersdam. At the same time the glorious news was confirmed that General French's Column was in sight, and advancing fast to the relief of Kimberley. But Jack had to go the opposite way with his men.
I went off to the Debris Heap with many others to view the approach of General French from the far end of Beaconsfield. Here we could see the long trail of dust stretching for miles across the veld far away below us, and a large body of horsemen riding in quite close to the Barriers. The place was alive with people in the most excited state and presently we saw a single horseman riding in alone, being greeted enthusiastically by everyone, who laughed and cried alternately.
This man, who had the honour of first entering beleaguered Kimberley, is Lieut-Colonel Paterson, a retired Australian Officer who is accompanying the Queensland Defence Force for reporting purposes.
The next man to ride in was Mr Beresford of the 'Daily Telegraph', who also came in for a great ovation.
The excitement was intense - and indescribable. People did all they could to welcome any soldier they could get hold of - who, poor fellows, were in far greater need than ourselves at that moment, of rest and comfort, and food and drink after their brilliant and intensely fatiguing dash to our rescue.
Bread and cigarettes seemed to be most valued. One man told me that 50 of them had only had one box of matches between them for the last 4 days. They expected to find us, however, in a much more desperate condition than our appearance showed and some of them went so far as to empty their wallets of 'bulley beef' amongst a group of 'Poor Whites' alongside the road who certainly did not scruple to gobble it up as though they were literally starving.
The main body of troops encamped in the vlei (low ground) outside Kimberley, so we only saw very few of them in the town.
At about 5 p.m. General French and Staff rode in via the Wesselton Mine, just missing Colonel Kekewich and Staff who went to meet them at the Barrier. The Mayor of Kimberley, however, met the General at the boundary of Kimberley, and with a few grateful words tried to express our feelings to him. He answered that he supposed we were as glad to see him as he was to see us and after a further exchange of compliments, he rode on to the Kimberley Club.
Here, we were told, his reception was tremendous One lady, almost hysterical with reaction after the terrible time we have gone through, falling on her knees and attempting to obtain a little portion of General French's boot-lace as a momento of to-day's great gladness!
After shaking hands and listening to further demonstrations of gratitude from everyone at the Club, the General retired to the Sanatorium for a well-earned dinner and rest with Mr Rhodes and Party.
In the meantime, a portion of our local Mounted Men had proceeded to Kamfersdam and Dronfield to reconnoitre. They approached the Waterworks to within 250 yards without a shot being fired, when the Boers suddenly opened fire on them. They promptly got off their horses, putting them behind the best cover they could, and lying down themselves, till there was a chance of a retreat to the Debris Heap below Kamfersdam.
When they got there they could distinctly hear heavy waggon traffic going in the direction of the Free State border, and were certain that it meant that the big gun was being carried away. However, Colonel Murray, in charge of the Lanc. Regiment refused to allow them to chase it. Night had fallen, and their horses were already too done up to risk the certain great loss of life to the men. Therefore, they bivouaced where they were till dawn.
Extract from "The Diary of a Doctor's Wife – During the Siege of Kimberley October 1899 to February 1900" by Winifred Heberden.
This morning only six 100 lb shells were fired in and a few shrapnel from Carter's Ridge. Poor Jack arrived in the afternoon, having been relieved by Surgeon-Lieutenant O'Gorman at Alexandersfontein. He had about 2 hours rest when Woodruffe rode up to say that they were all ordered out again and were to proceed to Kamfersdam. At the same time the glorious news was confirmed that General French's Column was in sight, and advancing fast to the relief of Kimberley. But Jack had to go the opposite way with his men.
I went off to the Debris Heap with many others to view the approach of General French from the far end of Beaconsfield. Here we could see the long trail of dust stretching for miles across the veld far away below us, and a large body of horsemen riding in quite close to the Barriers. The place was alive with people in the most excited state and presently we saw a single horseman riding in alone, being greeted enthusiastically by everyone, who laughed and cried alternately.
This man, who had the honour of first entering beleaguered Kimberley, is Lieut-Colonel Paterson, a retired Australian Officer who is accompanying the Queensland Defence Force for reporting purposes.
The next man to ride in was Mr Beresford of the 'Daily Telegraph', who also came in for a great ovation.
The excitement was intense - and indescribable. People did all they could to welcome any soldier they could get hold of - who, poor fellows, were in far greater need than ourselves at that moment, of rest and comfort, and food and drink after their brilliant and intensely fatiguing dash to our rescue.
Bread and cigarettes seemed to be most valued. One man told me that 50 of them had only had one box of matches between them for the last 4 days. They expected to find us, however, in a much more desperate condition than our appearance showed and some of them went so far as to empty their wallets of 'bulley beef' amongst a group of 'Poor Whites' alongside the road who certainly did not scruple to gobble it up as though they were literally starving.
The main body of troops encamped in the vlei (low ground) outside Kimberley, so we only saw very few of them in the town.
At about 5 p.m. General French and Staff rode in via the Wesselton Mine, just missing Colonel Kekewich and Staff who went to meet them at the Barrier. The Mayor of Kimberley, however, met the General at the boundary of Kimberley, and with a few grateful words tried to express our feelings to him. He answered that he supposed we were as glad to see him as he was to see us and after a further exchange of compliments, he rode on to the Kimberley Club.
Here, we were told, his reception was tremendous One lady, almost hysterical with reaction after the terrible time we have gone through, falling on her knees and attempting to obtain a little portion of General French's boot-lace as a momento of to-day's great gladness!
After shaking hands and listening to further demonstrations of gratitude from everyone at the Club, the General retired to the Sanatorium for a well-earned dinner and rest with Mr Rhodes and Party.
In the meantime, a portion of our local Mounted Men had proceeded to Kamfersdam and Dronfield to reconnoitre. They approached the Waterworks to within 250 yards without a shot being fired, when the Boers suddenly opened fire on them. They promptly got off their horses, putting them behind the best cover they could, and lying down themselves, till there was a chance of a retreat to the Debris Heap below Kamfersdam.
When they got there they could distinctly hear heavy waggon traffic going in the direction of the Free State border, and were certain that it meant that the big gun was being carried away. However, Colonel Murray, in charge of the Lanc. Regiment refused to allow them to chase it. Night had fallen, and their horses were already too done up to risk the certain great loss of life to the men. Therefore, they bivouaced where they were till dawn.
Cyril Ramaphosa elected as President of the South Africa - 2018
On 18 December 2017, Cyril Ramaphosa was elected to succeed Jacob Zuma as President of the ANC at the ANC Conference at Nasrec, Johannesburg. Subsequent months saw growing pressure on Jacob Zuma to resign as President of South Africa, culminating in the ANC "recalling" him as President of South Africa. Facing a motion of no confidence in parliament, Jacob Zuma announced his resignation on 14 February 2018, and was succeeded by Cyril Ramaphosa the next day.
On 18 December 2017, Cyril Ramaphosa was elected to succeed Jacob Zuma as President of the ANC at the ANC Conference at Nasrec, Johannesburg. Subsequent months saw growing pressure on Jacob Zuma to resign as President of South Africa, culminating in the ANC "recalling" him as President of South Africa. Facing a motion of no confidence in parliament, Jacob Zuma announced his resignation on 14 February 2018, and was succeeded by Cyril Ramaphosa the next day.