Today in Kimberley's History
Opening of Beaconsfield Public School (now the Laerskool Dutoitspan) - 1885
The first government school in the newly planned town of Beaconsfield – founded in 1884 and comprising the former mining camps of Dutoitspan and Bultfontein – was the second-class Public Undenominational School (A second class school was basically a primary school, while a first class school was a secondary school.) This school was established on 17 July 1885 and took over from the church school that had been started in 1872. It would later become known as the Beaconsfield Public school and even later as the Laerskool Dutoitspan.
The first government school in the newly planned town of Beaconsfield – founded in 1884 and comprising the former mining camps of Dutoitspan and Bultfontein – was the second-class Public Undenominational School (A second class school was basically a primary school, while a first class school was a secondary school.) This school was established on 17 July 1885 and took over from the church school that had been started in 1872. It would later become known as the Beaconsfield Public school and even later as the Laerskool Dutoitspan.
Cecil Rhodes becomes Premier of the Cape Colony - 1890
Cecil Rhodes’ appointment at age 37 years as Premier of the Cape Colony on 17 July 1890 saw Kimberley acclaim him as “one of us” making it to the top. He had been sent for by the Governor of the Cape Colony the previous day (16 July), and on the 17th nervously announced in Parliament that he was able to form an administration with himself holding the Office of Commissioner of Crown Lands and Public Works of the Colony. Kimberley could now go forward and hopefully become the great centre that had originally been thought possible.
Cecil Rhodes’ appointment at age 37 years as Premier of the Cape Colony on 17 July 1890 saw Kimberley acclaim him as “one of us” making it to the top. He had been sent for by the Governor of the Cape Colony the previous day (16 July), and on the 17th nervously announced in Parliament that he was able to form an administration with himself holding the Office of Commissioner of Crown Lands and Public Works of the Colony. Kimberley could now go forward and hopefully become the great centre that had originally been thought possible.
Primary information source courtesy of Kimberley Calls...and Recalls Facebook Group (except where otherwise stated)
Mandela is awarded the Joliot Curie Gold Medal for Peace - 1964
The paper 'Leader' announced that African National Congress (ANC) leader Nelson Mandela has been awarded the Joliot Curie Gold Medal for Peace the previous week. The announcement came a day short of Mandela's birthday, the first of its kind that he was going to celebrate behind closed doors. Mandela had recently been sentenced to life imprisonment after the Rivonia trials. The presentation was made by Mr Houari Souyah, President of the Algerian Peace Committee in Algiers, to Dr Yussuf Dadoo, a former President of the South African Indian Congress (SAIC) and the leader of the anti-apartheid movement in Britain.
The paper 'Leader' announced that African National Congress (ANC) leader Nelson Mandela has been awarded the Joliot Curie Gold Medal for Peace the previous week. The announcement came a day short of Mandela's birthday, the first of its kind that he was going to celebrate behind closed doors. Mandela had recently been sentenced to life imprisonment after the Rivonia trials. The presentation was made by Mr Houari Souyah, President of the Algerian Peace Committee in Algiers, to Dr Yussuf Dadoo, a former President of the South African Indian Congress (SAIC) and the leader of the anti-apartheid movement in Britain.