Today in Kimberley's History
35 days since beginning of the Siege of Kimberley, 1899
Extract from "The Diary of a Doctor's Wife – During the Siege of Kimberley October 1899 to February 1900" by Winifred Heberden.
'Fighting General' de la Rey sent in a message asking that families of Boer rebels may be sent out to the Boer Camp. But as this request had been asked, and granted, previously, and only one family availed itself of the opportunity given by Colonel Kekewich, he took no further notice this time.
Extract from "The Diary of a Doctor's Wife – During the Siege of Kimberley October 1899 to February 1900" by Winifred Heberden.
'Fighting General' de la Rey sent in a message asking that families of Boer rebels may be sent out to the Boer Camp. But as this request had been asked, and granted, previously, and only one family availed itself of the opportunity given by Colonel Kekewich, he took no further notice this time.