Today in Kimberley's History
10 days since beginning of the Siege of Kimberley, 1899
Extract from "The Diary of a Doctor's Wife – During the Siege of Kimberley October 1899 to February 1900" by Winifred Heberden.
(the diary had one entry covering the dates 25th, 26th and 27th October)
Spent in patrolling round Kimberley and cattle guarding. No Boers to be seen in any number, though they are known to be within 6,000 yards of Wesselton Mine.
We heard that Tuesday's fight so frightened the Boers in Klipdam that they promptly evacuated it. They returned, however, within the week, and made two attempts to proceed to Barkly - only to be ordered to return by dispatches from their headquarters.
Extract from "The Diary of a Doctor's Wife – During the Siege of Kimberley October 1899 to February 1900" by Winifred Heberden.
(the diary had one entry covering the dates 25th, 26th and 27th October)
Spent in patrolling round Kimberley and cattle guarding. No Boers to be seen in any number, though they are known to be within 6,000 yards of Wesselton Mine.
We heard that Tuesday's fight so frightened the Boers in Klipdam that they promptly evacuated it. They returned, however, within the week, and made two attempts to proceed to Barkly - only to be ordered to return by dispatches from their headquarters.